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How does Verisurf Perform Product Acceptance Software (PAS) testing
Dear Verisurf customer, Often we get asked does Verisurf Software satisfy the Product Acceptance Software (PAS) requirements of Boeing D6-51991 Rev N Section 3.1.3 and 3.1.4? The answer is Yes. Verisurf does have objective evidence of independent PAS ...
Clean Removal of Mastercam and Verisurf
Case: A technical preview or beta version of Verisurf and Mastercam are installed and need to be removed. Similar Case: Release installation challenges following a technical preview or beta version. Description: Follow the steps below to remove ...
Leica Absolute family of Laser Trackers and Measurement Parameters and Modes
Case: The sample rate is slow when measuring using Stationary Points. Similar Case: How is the measurement rate increased? The DRO seems to be lagging. Description: We often get asked about the sample rate, measurement parameters, and modes for the ...
Using Feature Display Hotkeys
Left-clicking in the Data Manager allows the User to quickly change the display of measured features using the CTRL key in combination with B, D, S, L, or V. Holding CTRL and pressing a designated key repeatedly cycles the display attribute. Give it ...
4K and High Resolution Displays | Verisurf Graphics, Buttons, and Icons Too Small and Truncated Text including VDI
Case: On systems that are using high-resolution monitors (4K displays, 21:9 ultra-wide monitors), buttons, text, and images can appear to be truncated or shifted out of place from where they should be. Cause: The issue is not the resolution (number ...