How can I run a survey or drift check through Automate?
This cover the basics in setting up a Timer Delayed looping survey for checking SMR locations using a laser tracker.
The first step would be to measure or enter each location into Auto Inspect as Points. You can then export them out of the Verisurf Measure tree as CAD. Then Select the CAD points you want to survey and in Auto Inspect, click on "Create New Plan"
You can then edit the Measurement Settings of the points so that Verisurf will tell the Laser Tracker to measurement automatically.
The change the measurement type to "Aim/Go To"
Please also note that you should have the mode set to Single Point as shown above.
Also, in Verisurf Preferences "Device Settings" you will want to have your device Set for "Average Point" mode for Stationary SMR Measurements.
To add a delay to the measurement sequence, you can add a Timer Prompt in Auto Inspect, and specify a delay time by doing the following. You can add a single delay to the end of the sequence (as shown) or you can add delays to each point by inserting more than one Timer Prompt.
Finally, to "Loop" the Sequence, you will have to enable the looping feature in Auto Inspect Preferences.