Renishaw's PH20 Best Practice User Guide
Case: We often get asked questions regarding the PH20, like what probe modules are supported, how long of a stylus can be used, and is a star or knuckle probe supported. Well, linked below is a guide you can reference to answer all of those questions ...
VDI Crash on Start or VDI will not Start
Case: VDI begins to start, and then VReadout crashes. Similar Case: VDI won't start after installing or updating Verisurf. Description: Verisurf 22.2.4 and later are set up to look for a 64-bit VDI. VDI version 3.46.12 and later are all 64-bit VDIs. ...
Verisurf 2021 base release installer stops immediately after starting
Case: Verisurf 2021 base release installer stops immediately after starting Cause: Bug in the installer package used for the Verisurf 2021 base release with user accounts containing an ampersand (&) character in the username. Solution: Create a user ...
The what, when, how, and why with Closed Face Reflector and Enabling a Vector Offset in Verisurf for Laser Trackers
Case: The what, when, how, and why with Closed Face Reflectors and Enabling a Vector Offset in Verisurf for Laser Trackers What: Closed Face Reflectors cause refraction (deflection) when passing through the Face of the Reflector, resulting in the ...